Wednesday, March 16, 2011

OK, so...what is with the shirt sleeves?

Why do the shirt sleeves turn inside out in the dryer?  Or is it in the washer.  I don't exactly know, and I notice this phenomena when I take Wyeth's shirts out of the dryer.  Have you noticed this?  I'm talking about dress shirts.  I wash these things and there are always two or three shirts that have one or both of their sleeves turned inside out.  What is up with that?!  How does this happen?!  They don't go in the wash like that, so why do they come out of it like that?  Are there gremlins in the machines turning the sleeves around and wringing their "hands" together saying "I hope the humans like this!  muahahaha!" 
As I said, I don't have an answer this is just an observation.

1 comment:

  1. I just took some shirts out of the dryer and guess what? All of the sleeves were right side out. How about that? :)
