Wednesday, March 9, 2011

OK, you have your summer feet?

Have you thought about your summer feet? Yes, I said your summer feet. "What are summer feet?" You ask. Well, summer feet are those feet that are fairly soft and ready to look presentable when exposed for all to see. Your summer feet are those feet that have clipped nails and look as though they have seen soap and water and lotion. Yes, lotion or some other skin lubricant. You must get your feet ready for their potential exposure during warmer weather. You know, flip-flops and sandals weather. The shoes you wear without anklets or knee-highs or trouser socks. C'mon, you know what I mean. There is no excuse for people being seen in public with grey, hard and crusty looking heels and ragged toes. Absolutely no excuse! I can't tell you how many people I have seen with rusty, dusty feet who don't mind showing their feet in that condition. Really?!?! This is an outrage! Listen people, if you have rough feet, now is the time to get your feet ready for summer. Lotion is your friend. Better yet, if those heels are crusty you need more than lotion, you need petroleum jelly. One pedicure won't do it. Get some cotton socks, slather your feet with some thick and creamy lotion or cream and wrap those tired feet in some plastic wrap and put those socks on and call it a night - for several nights in a row. This has to happen until your feet are soft and supple and presentable to the public. I'm serious! Get your summer feet ready!

1 comment:

  1. I *always* have my summer feet on. :-) I'm a brefoot-around-the-house sort of girl and because of that I have to keep those soles looking good..know what I mean?
